Sunday, July 1, 2012

July & sunshine

It's July already!  Geez.  The year is half over...where has it gone?  I'm just glad the rain stopped and the sun returned.  We have really enjoyed being outside at the pool this week.  It has been super hot, so the pool is just the ticket to cooling off.

Lots of pictures to share...these are from Friday.  Paige is off from summer camp on Fridays, so we had our own time together in the pool while Reese was at school. 

These are from Saturday & Sunday...Reese was so excited that she is now tall enough to touch the bottom in the shallow end. She was dancing and squealing!

Guess who had to join in on the family fun? Where's Waldo...haha.


Look who decided to ride the Dora trike...she still can't reach the pedal when her leg is straight out, though. Still a cute photo op :)

And last, but not least, an Instagram picture of Marshall and me from Saturday night. (I am just starting the whole Instagram thing...this was my first's so fun!)  We went on a really fun the Def Leppard & Poison concert! Oh my gosh it was SO good. I love the 80s, and I use their music in my spin classes all the time. It was really fun to see them live. They sound pretty much the same, and they sang all the songs we love(d). We had great seats...I would definitely go and see them again!

Well, that's it for now...I hope you're not sick of all of my pool pics...I'm sure there will be more to come :) Have a good week!

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