Although the girls were home this week, there was a lot going on. Lots of swimming and playing and just being silly. Paige saw Dr. LaRue on Friday for her 2.5 year check-up and she got a great report! She is 30 lbs. 9 oz. and is 36 inches tall exactly. She weighs over a pound more and is a half-inch shorter than Reese was at this age. Reese has tall legs, while Pippy has short chunky ones. Either way, they're both supposed to be taller than I am at full adult height. I'm only 5"2', so that's not saying much! Paige got one shot (the second Hep. A) shot and she did great, considering it was a shot.
Reese will be going for her 5-year check-up next month. FIVE!! Unbelievable. She'll be starting her last year of pre-school soon. She has to go another year since she was born on Sept. 2 and missed the cut-off day by one day. Oh, well...she needs it. Paige will be going into the Pre-K 2 class.
We've had to put Paige back in onesies the past few days because she won't keep her hand out of the back of her diaper! On Wednesday she dug around in there before I could catch her and basically gave herself a mud bath, if you know what I mean! She had it smeared EVERYWHERE...all over her, all over the looked like she was making poop snow angels on the carpet!! I got it all cleaned up...miraculously. The onesies are preventing her from doing this again...and so far, they're working! She is just about too tall for them, so she better cut it out soon...haha. I think this might be a sign to start potty training this kid!
Well, that's about all I have to report for now...on with the pictures! Let's start with Paige, looking cute in a tank top :)
Reese getting tickled by Grandma Darlene :)
And Paige "jumping" on the trampoline. She stands there, without bending her knees, while someone bounces it for her...haha.
Reese reading her "journal" :)
Paige and me waiting on Dr. LaRue...taking pictures makes the time go quicker :)
MMMOOOOOMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY....I'm soooooo ready to LEAVE! Please get me out of here! I'm going to pitch a fit now!
Ooooh, my toy might occupy me for a split second...
Nope!! I can't stand it anymore...this waiting is awful!!
Paige looking always :)
Reese enjoying some outside pool time. Lately she's been more interested in hunting for interesting leaves than swimming.
Reese is finally tall enough to touch in the shallow end! She's getting brave and wants to keep walking towards the deep end.
I don't feel like smiling today, Mom. I scratched myself during sleep, so that is what is on my face :(
Gorgeous babies!! Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog :)
If you wouldn't have told... I would never have known how tall you are! I always pictured you taller :-)
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