It has been a low-key week around here. Reese and Paige both have made new discoveries in the past few typical, and one not-so-typical. See for yourself :)
Here's the typcial one...Paige figuring out how to climb onto the coffee table! Trouble just waiting to happen...earlier this week, she climbed into the recliner and fell out HEAD first. This kid is my daredevil and will probably be the death of me!
And the not-so-typical. Let me explain. Reese pulled these Easter Bunny headband ears out from some corner...who knows where. Instead of wearing them on her head, she puts them on her chest like a bra! And the ears hang down...just like old boobies! LOL! So, we now call this her "ear bra." She will run around with it on, hoisting it up when it starts to's SO funny!
A quick picture of Pip...
More ear bra pictures!
Some cute outside pool photos...
Look who's being a cutie pie!
More cute poolside pictures. I just realized I didn't get any shots of Reese actually in the pool this week. She spent more time doing this than swimming, anyway.
Paige wants to splash & play as soon as she gets out there!
Thanks for stopping by...that's it for this week. Have a good one!
1 comment: the ear bra! Every time we are at the store, Grace will grab a padded bra and say "I need one of these!" I keep telling her to tell daddy that one!
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