Then, on top of that, my computer got a horrible virus. I couldn't do anything without it affecting every program. Marshall spent a good three days on the phone with tech support, trying to figure it out. I wound up having to back up every picture, song, & document on my hard drive. Luckily I have been backing up my photos every week or so, so that wasn't a problem. It was very hard to realize that five years worth of stuff was about to be wiped out! Tech support had to pretty much delete everything and reinstall Windows I've been working on reloading important things back onto the hard drive. Talk about a stressful situation! I'm so grateful this problem was fixable, though.
We had a great Thanksgiving...we visited lots of family. I'm so glad everyone is local so we don't have travel very far. The hard part this year was working around Paige's nap schedule. It seems like everyone eats around 1 or 1:30, and her nap time is around 12ish...thankfully it worked out and everyone was happy. I didn't get as many pictures of everyone like I wanted to, but that's okay. I'll get plenty at Christmas.
Marshall took Reese 4-wheeling this afternoon while Paige napped, so I wasn't there to photograph it...he said she LOVED it and didn't want to leave. She's such an outdoor girl :)
Enjoy this week's pictures!
Paige enjoying her swing...she loves fresh air!
Reese's new hallway's still there for us all to admire :)
Random cute Paige pictures...
Thanksgiving Eve with Grandma Darlene & Papa David...
Thanksgiving at Granny and Pa's...we split up this year because we had so many places to visit. Paige and I came here while Marshall and Reese went to his dad's. I don't have many pictures of Reese this week. She is just too busy for me! Here is Paige with her Aunt Kim and cousin Sarah.
How Paige gets comfy while watching Dora :)
Here we are Saturday (well, I'm not in the pictures) picking out our Christmas tree. Paige thought it was wonderful. Reese couldn't have cared less, but she did look around and checked out all the trees. There were a lot of people around, so it was kind of chaotic for her.
Reese jumping on her trampoline...the front room is all unorganized at the moment. I put up the Christmas tree yesterday and furniture is everywhere. I'm still rearranging everything, so pardon the mess. And, yes, my girls are still wearing their cute Halloween tshirts...they make excellent "bum around the house" shirts!
Mr. clean magic eraser will get the artwork off the wall no problem!!!
Too cute...God bless her...!!!
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