Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hack Hack Hack!

Ugh...everyone over here except Marshall has the sniffling, sneezing & coughing gunk. I'm actually almost over it. The girls are getting better, but they're still having bouts of runny nose and coughing spurts. I took Reese to the doctor on Wednesday so she could start on antibiotics. Over the counter meds never work for her, so I knew she needed something. She stayed home from school on Thursday and rested. She went back Friday, only to have another student BITE her :( This is the second time in about two weeks that she has been bitten. Thank goodness it didn't break the skin.

Tuesday is OCA's Thanksgiving celebration, so we'll be getting to eat lunch with Reese, and I'll be helping out with their fun activities. Native Americans are coming to the school to do a presentation for the kids, they're making Stone Soup, they'll get to see tee pees and play games. I'm looking forward to this!

Lots of pictures this week (surprise, surprise!)...both of my girls are still silly-willy despite being sick. Enjoy!

Reese & me being silly waiting on Dr. gets awful boring just sitting and waiting for why not bring out the camera? :)

Still waiting...

Paige being her usual funny self...all I have to is tickle her neck and she'll give me a huge grin :)

Random Reese couch pictures...she looks so cute!

Silly Paige having her Cheerio break :)

Random photo shoot with Reese...

The Cheerio Fanatic :)

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