Today is January 1st, 2012...that just sounds so futuristic! Unbelievable. Let's recap the past week...we did lots of visiting with family for Christmas, starting on Christmas Eve Eve. I wish I could say that we had a super fun Christmas morning, opening all the gifts that Santa brought, but we didn't. Reese and Paige still aren't into it. Neither one gets the concept of presents, opening them or understanding that there is a surprise inside. I sadly opened up all the presents that I myself wrapped for them. I always get my hopes up that this will be the year that they will "get it," but it never happens. I never thought that I'd have two children who don't understand or care about things like Christmas gifts, Easter eggs, birthday cake... I remember being so excited about days like this when I was pregnant with Reese, and I couldn't wait to experience all those fun memories I had as a kid with my own children. It's such a disappointment (not the girls...just that I don't get to do these fun things with them like I'd planned). It has really made me dread the holidays, because I just don't enjoy them like I wanted to. Seeing the excitement in your children's eyes is what makes it enjoyable, and we just don't have that. And even though I know deep down that they won't want to do any of the fun Christmas things, I always hope deep down that they will. And then my heart breaks all over again when they don't. I will never understand autism, but I know that it has totally pulled the rug out from underneath so many of my dreams as a mother.
Anyway, the girls still received lots of goodies. They got some money from Papa Gary & Patty, Granny Betty, Grandma Ruth, Granny Clifford & Pa and Aunt Kim, and some clothes and toys from Aunt Jamie and Grandma Darla's friend, Mimi . Both girls got some books, stuffed bears, sundresses & a talking picnic basket from Aunt Julie, Aunt Donna & Uncle Doug. They both got a few really adorable outfits from my awesome friend Jennifer, her sister Lindsey & their mom. Reese got a really nice keyboard from Jennifer (she loves to play with anything with music & buttons), a Dora big wheel tricycle from Grandma Darla, a big long smooshee body pillow, lots of books and a lava lamp...Paige got a really cool drum from Jennifer (she loves beating on everything), a talking Dora doll & a cd player from Grandma Darla, pillows (she LOVES pillows!), books, and a grocery shopping cart...lots of random things. Santa did bring them some nail polish in their stocking...I have never attempted to paint their toes, but I want to try soon. We are also going to be getting year passes for Legoland! Since Reese loved it so much when we took her in November, we want to take her more often. Thanks, Grandma Darlene & Papa David!
Tuesday morning we had an appointment with the wholistic pediatrician again...this time for blood work. I was nervous. Both Reese & Paige actually did a great job, considering we yanked them out of bed at 6:30am and had them in Tampa by 8:15. Reese did a great job. Paige wound up having to have blood drawn from her hand...they just couldn't get a vein from her arm. She was a trooper, though, and it really didn't take that long. I was proud of them for being so brave!
We are in the process of doing Chelation Challenges on both girls. These are heavy metal tests to see if they have any metals, lead or mercury in their bodies. The tests consist of collecting their urine for an 8-hour period after giving them a suppository. The hardest part is chasing after them all day with little urine collection baggies! I did the first test with Paige on Friday and I was worn out at the end of the day. Hopefully these tests will give us more answers. In the meantime, both girls are still on their vitamins...including the stinky fish oil one. I'm just about used to our kitchen smelling like a fish camp.
Alright...on with the pictures!
Last Wednesday I took Paige back to Dr. LaRue to have her ear checked. We goofed off while waiting (and waiting....and waiting....and still waiting....) for him. Boy, the lighting in there is horrible for picture taking!
A few Christmas Eve pictures...with fun hats & reindeer antlers...
A few more randoms...
Christmas morning...I sat them each in front of the tree for a picture. Don't they both look so excited?
Reese did love this Dora book that plays music...she has been playing with it every day!
Christmas lunch at Granny Betty's...
Christmas night at Grandma Darlene and Papa David's...
More cute randoms from the past few days...Reese was being so silly. I love her smile in this picture :)
Paige loves to balance her pillows & blankets on her crib like this and touch them with her feet! Lovely teeth marks all the way around the crib, compliments of both my daughters!
I love this picture of Pip :)
This rarely happens...both girls on the couch...together...
And last but not least...
That's it for this week. Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve & Day!
Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing some of the struggles you face in your unique situation. Blessings to you and and your precious family in this New Year, Missy!!!
I love reading your blogs. I can only imagine the struggles you go through and I pray that one day a cure will be found for autism. Your girls are beautiful and I appreciate you sharing your struggles with all of us. Hope you all have a great year!!
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