of those weekends where we barely got out of our pajamas! It was cold outside on Saturday, and we all just slept in. It did warm up today, so Reese got to go for a 4-wheeler ride. The start of the week wasn't so good. Last Sunday night, Reese came down with the stomach bug and was throwing up for two days. She was better by Wednesday, thank goodness. No one else in the house caught it (knock on wood).
Although we stayed in all weekend, it was busy. We're right in the middle of doing chelation challenge tests with both girls. It's part of the "heavy metals" testing, and it involves giving each girl a suppository that contains the chelating agent, and then collecting their urine for eight hours. Talk about fun...it's a constant chasing around the house to catch it. I have to stick these little collection baggies to them and check them every ten minutes or so. This was the second test I've done on Paige and the first one for Reese. I had a time trying to find enough of the little baggies! I had just enough to do the first test on Paige a few weeks ago. After finally finding some online (that were on backorder) I was able to get enough to continue the tests. I'll do two more tests next weekend. Hopefully this will detect any types of lead, mercury or any other type of metal in their systems.
Anyway, I did take pictures of the girls throughout the week. Just mainly random shots of them doing what they do :)
Here is a cute one of Pip from the other day...

I forgot to mention that I took Paige back to Dr. LaRue on Wednesday for him to check her ear. It has completely healed, thank goodness! As usual, we had to wait, so we ate Cheerios and took pictures :)

Reese being a silly couch potato :)

More cute Paige pictures...I just love her ponytail!

More cute Reesie Cup pics...

Cute little Paige & her wild hair...

"Oh, Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind...Hey Mickey!!" Pip's rockin' 80s side ponytail :D

Reese trying to avoid me...haha. She has toted her winter coat around all weekend, using it as a blanket!

You can't tell, but I was playing pillow fight with her. She loves to be beaten with a pillow...haha!

Paige with almost straight hair, thanks to the cooler temps & low humidity! Her top button won't snap anymore because she has chewed it to death. I swear she is part goat!

That's it...have a good week!