We had her little Dora birthday party yesterday...all our family came over. We had lasagna, garlic bread, salad...and, of course, Dora cake. Please don't laugh when you see her...her eyes were really hard to do...haha! Paige got so many cute clothes! She also got $240!! She has more money than I do at this moment :) She got a Dora pop-up tent, a drum, a ball, a water table, some new sneakers, and tons of adorable outfits for spring.
Here are the pictures :)
Paige playing with her Daddy in the yard...she wanted to walk and then swing, but then she decided to get mad because the sun was in her eyes. Silly girl!
Paige exploring the patio...sporting her sister's old jellies! It's getting harder to tame her wild hair...it's getting curly and unruly!
Two couch potatoes...
Reese is now Marshall's secretary.
My evil-eye Dora cake...although she looks a little scary, she sure was good!
Paige wanted nothing to do with Dora!
My big girl!! Two years old!
Paige had to taste all of her cards!
My girls have so many grandmas! This is Great Granny Clifford.
This is Mamaw...she is their Great-Great Grandmother!
This is Grandma Darla and Ma T.
Here's Grandma Darlene.
Here is Great Granny Betty.
This is Great Grandma Ruth.
Paige showing everyone her presents:
Reese enjoyed playing with Mamaw's walker :)
This is how Paige gives kisses...haha :)
Reese & Aunt Jamie :)
Paige decided to crawl out of her new Dora tent and push it over! Thank you to my friend Jennifer for giving this to Paige for her birthday :)
And more lazy couch potato pictures...Paige loves to let her tummy hang out!
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