Hello, blog readers! Another Valentine's Day has come and gone, and of course, I have cute pictures of my girls wearing adorable pink & red shirts. Do you actually think I'd let a holiday go by without some kind of cute outfit?
It has been a good week. Last Sunday, Marshall and I went out for my 35th birthday dinner. We went to the Texas Cattle Company, as usual. I made sure I was starving before I got there so I could inhale my steak and salad. It was so delicious! My first week of being 35 has been pretty uneventful, which is the way I like it :)
I forgot to mention last week that Paige had her 2-year checkup with Dr. LaRue. She weighs 26 lbs. 9.5 oz. and is 34 3/4 inches tall. He estimated her adult height to be around 5'9"!! I thought I'd have at least one short daughter...haha. Reese is supposed to be between 5'9" and 5'11" so that leaves me to be the shortest of everyone. Paige just looks so little; I can't imagine her being that tall one day. She got a great report, though, and I was very happy with that.
Here are this week's pictures...
Reese in her classroom on Monday. Her Valentine's Party was really sweet. All she wanted to eat was Doritos, and then she wanted to sit and read this book.

My other little Valentine :)

Paige riding Molasses...

Random cute Reese pictures :)

Friday afternoon we took the girls 4-wheelin'...they loved it! It was Paige's first time.

Afterwards, the girls loved playing around the packing house...up ramps, on trailers, and just walking around checking things out.

My sweet girls sharing their Cheerios :)

Reese being an adorable couch potato :)

And a few more random silly weekend shots...

Watching TV upside down is actually pretty cool :)

Paige is now big enough to wear Reese's old pajamas! I love these.