Another beautiful week has passed, and both Reese and Paige are doing great! I don't want to jinx it, but there are no sickies in the house...woo hoo! I have a lot of great pictures to share...plenty of pool pics and cute little swim suits :)
Reese had a fun week at school. Friday was Field Day and the Giddy-Up Walkathon. The walkathon raised over $2,000, which is almost what the school needs to care for a new horse. Reese raised $450 of that!! Yeah!! She definitely has a great family and lots of friends who want to see her school get everything it needs. Hopefully they will find just the right horse for the kids, and now they will be able to care for it and feed it for a year with this money. Reese loves the horses, and they have helped her so much. Hippo Therapy is awesome!
I went to Field Day and hung out. I am on the PTO and helped with the walkathon, so that was a lot of fun. The bigger kids had lots of things to take part in...relay races, dancing, contests, etc. The smaller kids walked their laps and then had some pool and sprinkler time. Reese has issues with lots of chaos, so she wasn't too keen on playing in a little blue plastic pool with five or six other hyped-up kids. She waited until the pool was empty and then stepped in. She hung out in the shade a lot (I can't blame her for was unbelievably hot). Then they had lunch and took naps. Her class was the green team, and they tie-dyed shirts for them.
Reese's class after they completed the walkathon. Yes, Reese is a blankie addict and walked her laps with it...haha.

She has her swimsuit on and no pants!

Walking with one of her OT's, Ms. Christy. She adores Reese!

Here is Reese hanging out in the shade, eating Cheetos :)

Here she is checking out the pool....umm...way too crowded!

Hmmmmm...I might get in now.

Okay, I'll get in now that all those kids are gone.

Okay, I'm done!

She didn't care for the slip-n-slide or the sprinkler too much, either.

Paige sporting her sun hat while riding in the wagon. She looks super cute :)

Here is what Paige does every time Reese has a snack on her plate. She yanks it off and then tries to crawl away like she didn't do it.

And the same disaster on another day. This time I caught her doing it. Thank goodness the plate was already empty!

Reese loves to play on our bed. She'll grab her blanket and go cuddle up with the pillows and just meditate...haha. I can't blame her for wanting some quiet time after a busy day at school.

And some random beauty shots :)

Reese playing on the patio earlier this week:

Our Saturday was full of fun pool time! Reese swam while Paige napped, and then Paige swam later on when it wasn't so hot. They both had a great time!

The look on her face is priceless!!

Okay, Dad, listen up. I don't think you're hearing me correctly.

Never too busy for a thumb break :)

And Reesie having her pool fun :)

Still sporting the farmer's tan!