We were back at the doctor on Friday for Paige...I noticed something odd going on with her left ear. She kept digging in it and scratching it, and eventually she made it bleed! I wasn't sure what was going on, so back to Winter Haven we went. Turns out she has Swimmer's Ear...a slight outer-ear infection. Her ear drum and canal looked good. I guess she scratched it and it somehow got bacteria in it. I have to put drops in her ears twice a day, and it already looks back to normal and she isn't messing with it anymore.
I thought we were on the mend until last night. More sickies! Paige started to feel realy warm...hot, actually, to the touch. She was fussy and just not acting like herself, so I knew something was wrong. Usually when Reese is hot to the touch like that, it means vomiting is coming soon, so I prepared for that to happen. Well, it did at 3am. Paige was terrified...this was the first time she'd ever thrown up and it scared her so bad! She was so exhausted but couldn't sleep, so that meant Marshall and I didn't sleep, either. Today she is much better. She has kept down liquids, a banana and some applesauce, and has even been playing and moving everywhere. That is a good sign! I'm thinking she picked up some 24-hour bug in Dr. LaRue's office the other day.
Needless to say, I don't have a whole lot of pictures, but I do have some from earlier in the week.
Reese and me goofing off after her bath
Paige playing in her room...she is fascinated with the ceiling fan and will almost break her little neck to see it!
I was trying to make a mohawk...but every time the little red light flashed into her eyes, this is what she did...haha.
And just being silly outside on Saturday. Her tonuge is so long...reminds me of Gene Simmons...haha :)
And a few of Reese from Saturday afternoon. I couldn't believe she actually wore these! She refused to smile at me, but she still looked cute :)
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