I have a whole bunch of pictures from over the past week for you...some Christmas and some before.
Last Tuesday, we took the girls back to the doctor for their follow-up appointment. They both got good reports! Paige was being a ham, as usual. Reese wasn't, as usual. I have to give them credit for hanging in there, though, since we had to wait for TWO hours! I was so ready to get out of there.
One of the warmer days last week...Paige had a super fun time in her swing! I know this is a lot of pictures, but they're all just so darn cute!
Reese and her new favorite thing...riding on her Dad's shoulders (or whoever is willing and able to hoist her up there!)
Christmas at Grandma Darlene and Papa David's house :)
Paige got a pirate hat because she's always making pirate faces...haha! She wasn't too thrilled.
Reese loved her 'Twas the Night Before Christmas book!
Random cute Paige pics...
Here is Paige on Christmas morning...she didn't know what to think of all the colorful presents :)
Of course, the first thing you have to do is taste your new present!
Sadly, I have no pictures of Reese on Christmas morning. She just wasn't interested in the presents, and I wasn't going to force her to do something she didn't want to. I probably have the only child on the planet who doesn't like presents! She's starting to play with things, though...mostly Paige's new toys...haha.
Paige has so much fun just walking around these days...she squeals and laughs. She loves it!
Reese riding around on everyone's shoulders...silly goose!
Playing with toys and just hanging around the house...
Paige and her new Cabbage Patch baby, Kara. She just slings her around more than anything...haha.
Reese trying to hide from me and the camera...that's an old crossword puzzle book she swiped from Granny Betty's house! She likes to take a book from every house she visits. Little thief in training!
Trying to get a smile for the camera! As soon as the camera goes away, she turns silly again. Yes, she's still sporting one of her Halloween shirts at Christmas time. When you're staying warm inside on a cold winter's day, who really cares? :)
Reese all wrapped up in her new Backyardigans blanket...wishing she could go outside. But it's just too cold!