Well, the day finally came...Reese turned
FIVE years old on Friday! I never realized how fast time flies until I had children. I spent Friday saying to myself, "This time five years ago, my water broke. This time five years ago, I was pushing. This time five years ago, Reese was born!" I remember is as clearly as if it happened yesterday.
We had the family over on Saturday to celebrate. I made my rainbow cake again, and this one turned out so much better than my practice one :) I also made a chocolate piggy cake...haha. He didn't turn out as cute as I'd hoped, but he was still delicious. Reese's favorite birthday gift was a Dora guitar from her Aunt Jamie. She also got a new CD player for her bedroom, some books, some of her favorite snacks, some new sneakers, a few clothes & $350! This kid has more money than I do in her savings account!
Both girls had a great week at school. This week, they get to take a field trip to the fire station. Reese will visit Dr. LaRue tomorrow after school for her 5-year checkup. I can't wait to see how tall she is. She will be taller than I am in no time (which isn't very tall, but still...)!
Here are this week's pictures:
The usual...my silly geese being silly geese!

Mrs. Monique took these beautiful photos of Reese at school the other day! I love them both.

More cute Reese pictures...note: the huge bruise on her forehead is from her falling off the couch Friday after school. I was just about to take her outside for a little birthday photo shoot when it happened. A huge goose egg formed immediately...so the photoshoot will have to wait!

The birthday cakes! (Don't laugh at my pig!)

Reese & her Aunt Jamie

Reese and Papa David

Reese, her daddy & her Great-Great-Grandma (Mamaw) She's 96!

Reese & her Great-Granny Clifford

As you can see, Reese had no interest in posing for ANY of these pictures...so I had to get what I could. Doesn't she look just thrilled that it's her birthday party?

Her Dora guitar...she loved this. Thanks, Aunt Jamie!

She also loved these new Dora books :)

Let's not forget this little mess maker!