What a fun weekend we've had! It has been an extra long one since school has been out. We've had lots of pool time, and we even went to the lake this morning! Reese was a little hesitant at first, but she did wind up doing a bit of playing & splashing. Paige was VERY hesitant at first, but once she realized she had tons of room to walk, play & splash, she warmed up quickly :) She is such a little daredevil, whereas Reese is extremely cautious. Paige likes to stand on the side of the pool and just lunge forward in hopes that you're going to catch her. She didn't have a "side" at the lake, so she would just stand up and lunge forward anyway :) We were the only ones down there since all of Marshall's family is at the beach, so it was nice and quiet.
Reese has a few more days off and then she starts her summer camp program on Wednesday. I'm excited for her because she'll get to work with Christy all summer, and she gets to go to the Y's pool twice a week. She loves it, so I know it will be a good thing. Paige will start the following Monday, and she'll get to work with Geni. These ladies better be ready...my girls LOVE the pool!
I have a lot of pictures to share...
Guess who got into the powder when Mommy wasn't looking? Yep, you guessed it. I couldn't even get mad...all I could do was laugh :) She likes to lay on the floor and pick things up with her feet. Well, she picked up the powder with her feet and held it right over her face...there were little white footprints everywhere before I discovered this! Sneaky!

Reese laughing because she was being tickled :) I love pictures like this.

I pulled out Reese's old zebra and Paige took a little ride :)

Our little window artist :) (Pardon the chair on the patio...we laid all our wet swim suits & towels on it to dry...)

Isn't this girl just stunning? I know I'm biased, but she just takes my breath away!

And a few pool pics...

Paige being her usual adorable self :)

Here she goes...picking things up with her feet!

More pool pics!

And our adventures down at the lake today :)

And one final picture...a cute little wedgie...haha!