Hey, blog readers! I don't have a lot to write about today. We've had a pretty good week, and I can't believe it has already come and gone. This week should be a fun one...the girls have their field day at school on Friday. And then next Monday is Memorial Day, which means no school and no spinning classes at the Y. I'm kind of bummed about that because I teach twice on Mondays, and now I'll have the whole day free. Looks like I'll have to do something else in its place.
Next weekend will be busy...we're having a get together for a few of my YMCA friends for their birthdays...Trudi, Marie & Sara. And then on Sunday, someone who shall remain nameless (but she gave birth to me) has a birthday. I won't say which birthday it is, but it's a nice round number. Let's just say if you add 30 and 30, you get the number. But Shhhh...don't tell anyone.
Last night I had a fun night out with my great friend, Jennifer. We went to see Bridesmaids and had dinner at Chili's afterwards. The movie is hilarious...I'm a big fan of Kristen Wiig on SNL, and she makes the movie so funny! It was nice to get to hang out with an awesome person outside of the spin room :)
Here are my pictures for the week...
Trampolines...they're not just for jumping anymore.

Reese was hanging out in the front window, hiding behind the curtain, just having a little conversation with herself...I love this picture!

Just looking cute (as always)!

Hanging around outside...

Thanks for checking in with us, and have a great week!