What a strange week it has been...for Marshall and me, especially. Little did I know when I typed my post last Sunday that I would wake up in the middle of the night with a nasty stomach bug! I spent MLK Day laying there, barely able to hobble around the house. Thank goodness my amazing husband was available to take care of the girls! It's a good thing I started to feel better later that night because Marshall woke up in the middle of the night with the same gunk! He spent all Tuesday doing what I did on Monday. By Wednesday, we were both on the road to recovery, but still not at 100%. I didn't exercise for those three days, and boy did I miss it! I was back to teaching spinning on Thursday, and although it was hard, it felt great to be back to "normal."
Wednesday night, Paige started coughing, so off to Dr. LaRue we went on Thursday. She's on antibiotics and is doing well. Reese is also doing well...she has been dying to go 4-wheeling, so her Daddy took her for a ride yesterday :)
So, needless to say, last week was one of those weeks where I didn't even realize what day it was. Before I knew it, Friday was here, and so was the weekend! It was cold again, so we didn't do much of anything except hang around the house in our jammies :)
Here are the pictures I took from the past week...
Here is Paige, roaming around the doctor's office. She has to get naked to be weighed, but she wanted to walk around, so I put her socks & shoes back on her. Don't you love this outfit?

Here she is afterward...all worn out from crying! Who knew it would be so traumatic to have someone look in your ears?!

My silly little thumbsucker :)

Some random pictures of Reese...with a gorgeous smile!

Two sisters actually sharing the cheerio stash!

Paige being Paige :)