Well, the past week has been pretty uneventful, thank goodness. Reese's sinuses are acting up again...or is it allergies? It's so hard to tell. We're getting her tested for allergies in a few weeks. There has to be something triggering this, and I'm bound and determined to find out what it is. She wasn't feeling too hot this weekend...Saturday she just wasn't herself. She was very tired and lethargic, and her eyes were swollen and red. She was so exhausted that she went to bed at 7pm and slept until almost 8am. She is doing better today -- she seems like her old self. I don't have many pictures of her...just a few from Friday after she got home from school.
Paige is getting around a lot faster these days. She has been pulling up to her knees on anything she can grab onto, which is an improvement. She will be 13 months old next Friday, and she still looks like a 9-month-old to me...just a little thing. She's gaining weight, though, and has some chunky little leggies. She eats very well...she even tried broccoli today for lunch and liked it! She has been having whole milk yogurt with her breakfast and drinking some whole milk in the evenings. She is still nursing, so I am working in the whole milk slowly. She's doing really well with it, although she still has no interest in feeding herself. She'll eat anything off a spoon :)
Anyway, here are the latest pictures of the girls.
Reese hanging out in her room, reading and playing.
Here is Paige and her favorite spot to pull up...
She loves playing with her telephone.
Love these cheesy grin pictures of Paige! What a ham :)
More of Paige...