Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Latest...
Well, it's time for some new pictures of the girls :) They are both doing really well and growing so fast. I've been back at the YMCA for a little over a week now, and it's feels GREAT! I'll start teaching my spinning classes a week from Monday (April 6). Here are a few random shots of my little beauties!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Six Week Mark
I'm finally there!! Dr. Mancini said I am healed and can resume normal activities. You know me...I came home and went straight to the gym...haha. It felt so good to get back to spinning and sweating. I missed it so much!!
Miss Paige is six weeks old, which I can't believe. She is such a sweet little thing! She still looks nothing like me. I keep waiting to see something of me in her, but I may be waiting for a loooong time!
Miss Paige is six weeks old, which I can't believe. She is such a sweet little thing! She still looks nothing like me. I keep waiting to see something of me in her, but I may be waiting for a loooong time!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My Little Lucky Charms
Friday, March 13, 2009
5 weeks old and a Crazy Sleeper
Paige turned 5 weeks old yesterday. It feels like she was born five minutes ago...time needs to slow down! She's doing really well. I can't wait for her to start cooing and making cute little noises. Yesterday I was changing a poopy diaper and I got her all cleaned up and was in the process of fastening the fresh diaper when she pooped again (perfect timing!) -- so I asked her if she had that wait until I changed her. She looked at me and smiled!! She knew what I was saying -- it was SO precious!! Here is her picture from yesterday.

This was how Reese decided to take her nap yesterday! That tube-like pillow is fastened at the bottom of her bed to keep her from rolling off during the looks like she has found a new use for it. She slept like this for almost 2 hours! I kept checking on her and tried to move her at one point, but she got right back to this position.

This was how Reese decided to take her nap yesterday! That tube-like pillow is fastened at the bottom of her bed to keep her from rolling off during the looks like she has found a new use for it. She slept like this for almost 2 hours! I kept checking on her and tried to move her at one point, but she got right back to this position.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Blast from the Past!
Today is our 9th wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long. May 19 will make 15 years that we've been together. Who would have thought that crazy kid riding his 4-wheeler across the street from my house in his red Honda suit would one day be my husband and father of my children? I still remember watching him at PCC...him wearing khaki shorts with his little Timberlane boots...haha. I remember our first date -- May 24, 1994. We went down to Sebring and watched The Crow and then ate at Taco Bell. I ate six soft tacos...I guess I wasn't shy about stuffing my face! :) He was so easy to get along with...I knew he was different from that day. He didn't even try to hold my hand...I thought something was wrong with him...haha. After dinner, we went down to the lake and he tried to make a campfire, but the wood was wet. Poor thing...he was trying to impress me. What he didn't know was that he already had!!
What a wonderful nine years we've had -- many awesome vacations and two perfect beautiful daughters later...I'm looking forward to the next 9 -- or 99 -- years with him and our family!
Here's a little trip down memory lane...

What a wonderful nine years we've had -- many awesome vacations and two perfect beautiful daughters later...I'm looking forward to the next 9 -- or 99 -- years with him and our family!
Here's a little trip down memory lane...

Friday, March 6, 2009
One Month & Two and a Half!!
Where does the time go? just disappears before my very eyes. How did my little baby Reese all of a sudden become 2.5 years old?? And Paige is already one month old? What? Somebody pinch me!! Today both girls had doctor visits and got great reports. Reese weighs 29.2 pounds and is 36.5 inches tall. Paige is 8.9 pounds and is 21.5 inches. Paige got her 2nd HepB shot and Reese escaped without getting any....although she still cried her eyes out! I am so relieved that both girls are healthy and thriving!
Here are Paige's one month pictures. I did them instead of going the Sears route this time. She's also wearing the same outfit Reese wore in her one month pictures.

Here's Reesie Cup...just being her! Making her silly faces. We finally moved her mattress from the floor to the actual bed. She's doing really well sleeping up high. We made a little step stool for her to climb up and down safely. I'm so proud of her for doing such a great job with the big girl bed transition!!

Here are Paige's one month pictures. I did them instead of going the Sears route this time. She's also wearing the same outfit Reese wore in her one month pictures.
Here's Reesie Cup...just being her! Making her silly faces. We finally moved her mattress from the floor to the actual bed. She's doing really well sleeping up high. We made a little step stool for her to climb up and down safely. I'm so proud of her for doing such a great job with the big girl bed transition!!
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