Here she is last night...this is her new favorite position. One leg crossed over the other!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Reese slept in her new big girl bed!!!
Marshall and I are SO excited! Reese slept like an angel last night in her new roomin her new big girl bed!!! We discovered once we had it set up that it was too high off the ground and that it wasn't safe. She could easily stand up and fall over the rails, and we all know she is a "stander" and a climber. So we put the mattress (with the rails) on the floor in her room. We plugged in her new Tinkerbell night light (a gift from Santa) and put all her blankies in there, and she slept ALL NIGHT without waking up at all. She looked so comfortable throughout the night! We are so proud of her!!! Now let's see how nap time goes.......
Here she is last night...this is her new favorite position. One leg crossed over the other!
Here she is last night...this is her new favorite position. One leg crossed over the other!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Reese's new silly face
Our family Christmas picture
I never imagined how hard it would be to get a 2-year-old to sit still and smile at the camera! This is about picture #32 of about 50....and she's still not looking at the camera. She cries every time we go to a photo studio, so we decided to take our picture using the tripod and timer. It really wasn't any easier...but here's what we got! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
31 week update
Well, I have 9 weeks to go! I saw Dr. Ratleff this morning and everything looks great with Baby Girl 2. She weighs a little over 3 lbs. and is measuring right on target. She is breech right now, which I wasn't expecting. The ultrasound tech couldn't get any good shots of her face, so I will have another scan in about a month. We did confirm that she is still a girl, so we don't have to start buying boy clothes! I've gained 15 lbs. total, which is where I should be. Here I am as of today:
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas is coming!
We got our Christmas tree last weekend. It started raining as soon as we picked it out, but we got a few pictures of Reesie with the trees. She wasn't in the mood to investigate them.

Friday I took her to see Santa....she HATED him! She took one look at him and pitched a fit to get off his lap. This is the picture we got...don't mistake it for her telling Santa what she wants for Christmas -- she's looking at him like he's the most hideous thing she's ever seen...haha!
Friday I took her to see Santa....she HATED him! She took one look at him and pitched a fit to get off his lap. This is the picture we got...don't mistake it for her telling Santa what she wants for Christmas -- she's looking at him like he's the most hideous thing she's ever seen...haha!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Latest...
I passed the glucose test! What a relief. Now I can enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. Can you believe I have 11 weeks left? I can't believe I'm about to have two daughters...I don't think I know what I'm getting into...haha!
Here are some recent pictures of Reesie. Some are from her sitting at the table eating her dinner and some are from this Sunday at Bok Tower.

Here are some recent pictures of Reesie. Some are from her sitting at the table eating her dinner and some are from this Sunday at Bok Tower.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Another day at Bok Tower
28 weeks
Here I am at 28 weeks. I had my doctor's appt. yesterday, and everything looks great! I've gained 12 lbs. and baby girl's heartbeat was nice and strong. I had to have the glucose test...that orange drink tasted like a flat Orange Crush, but it wasn't bad. Hopefully I passed and won't have to go back for the 3-hour test. The thought of getting stuck three times just makes me cringe! Baby girl is constantly moving around and squirming all over the place. I love that feeling! I will miss it once she's here.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wonder Woman!
Here is Reesie in her Halloween costume! I was really impressed that she kept it on and didn't try and pull any of it off. We took some pictures in the yard and then went to the mall. We didn't trick or treat, but she really enjoyed just walking around. We got a work out just following her! She was without a doubt the cutest little Wonder Woman there!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Enjoying the gorgeous weather!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Blowing Bubbles!
Reese is fascinated with bubbles! Friday evening's weather was perfect, so we enjoyed some outside time. She kept trying to grab the handle so she could do the bubbles herself, but she didn't quite understand that you have to blow it. It was fun watching her watching and trying to catch the bubbles!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Silly girl!
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