Sunday, December 4, 2011

Picking the Tree

One more week closer to Christmas...yikes! Why does it always seem to creep up on me every year? I always say I'm going to be prepared early each year, but that never happens. We went Saturday to pick out our Christmas tree. Neither of the girls could have cared less about the trees. Paige just wanted to run around and be thrown up into the air, and Reese was in heaven searching for twigs & leaves. I tried to get some pictures, but you know how that goes with these two. Action shots or nothing!

And just some random pictures from the week...can these children ignore their mother with a camera any more? No one was looking at me on this day. I might as well be invisible.

Really, mother? You want me to sit in this window sill and smile at you? Please.

At least one smile for the week!

That's it...have a great week!

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